adam greenley medal 5000 10 years 346 days ago
JoIn S n G development league plenty of spaces need more teams for competative racing

adam greenley medal 5000 10 years 346 days ago

Jay Maharath medal 5000 10 years 346 days ago
If you guys aren't able to find more teams soon, we may want to look at merging our leagues. Formula Harrison, currently has 9/16 members and we race on Monday, Friday, and Saturday, similar to your dates. If you are interested, PM me

adam greenley medal 5000 10 years 344 days ago
hi there, sounds good , just messaged my m8 asking what he thinks ,, what progress have you made in the game as we are relitively new to this and as such are only slightly into development of our cars and team etc,,, thx for replying though nobody else has lol

Jay Maharath medal 5000 10 years 344 days ago
Don't worry take your time! Took me a good 4-5 seasons to learn this game, and even then I only know a fraction compared to the IGP greats.
Atm my progress is pretty good, just starting my 100th race today with my drivers who are around level 12 now. I would say just keep a high number of designers to help Develop your car and spend a good amount of money on a chief designer as they help speed up production. You can go cheap on a commercial manager and technical director, just make sure you have one. A doctor will help lower atrophy rates so your drivers, don't lose skills as quickly. And when you get to around level 4 or so look to invest in a high talent driver with low height , they may be slow to start with, but as time goes on they'll be better as long as you train speed and physical. Hope that helps and again pm me if you guys want to join.

Jay Maharath medal 5000 10 years 342 days ago
Just a quick notice, Formula Harrison no longer has a password, so you don't need to worry about passwords.