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Fast and Furious League iGP

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medal 5009
4 years 68 days ago
Join the International Fast and Furious League with people from the following countries: England, Slovakia, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, the United States, the Czech Republic, Nigeria, Chile, the Netherlands and the Faroe Islands.
medal 5009
4 years 67 days ago
League not found or inactive

This is the code of the league
medal 5009
4 years 54 days ago
First Season Results (Pro)
1°. Maciej Rajdowiec. 382 points. (Poland).
2°. Oliwier Koscielniak. 374 points. (Poland).
3°. Adrian Sroka. 253 points. (Poland).

First Season Results (Rookie)
1°. Suni Johansen. 372 points. (Faroe Islands)
2°. Federico Jäger. 110 points. (Italy)
3°. Col Ingram. 101 points. (England)
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