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medal 5000
4 years 41 days ago
Why we don't have a Forum reply notification like the exclamation point when a contract is expiring or like the Home tab which shows how many messages we have? Sometimes I forget to check a thread and when I do there is already a couple of replies from days ago. This delay can make us lose a bit of our thinking process about a problem or lose track of a conversation, for example.

It has been suggested before (here), so I don't know if it was rejected or was just unseen, but it would be a nice addition for us, forum users, and it would a better integration between game and forum.

Happy holidays everyone!
medal 5000
4 years 36 days ago
I know you are on holiday and at a late Sunday night, but did it at least got noted or it can't be done?
medal 5000
4 years 28 days ago
Okay, the holiday is over, hope everyone enjoyed the New Year Evening but can we get an update on this one?
medal 5272 Community Manager
4 years 28 days ago
Hello Juanito,

Hope you had a great Christmas and happy new year. This suggestion is very interesting. For the moment we prefer to focus in other fixes and improvements that can impact the whole community, but for sure we’ll introduce this at some point.
medal 5000
4 years 27 days ago
Hey José!
Thanks for noting it! Looking forward for it and those fix and improvements ?
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year time too! 

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