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KERS Usage on Race Results

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medal 5000
10 years 302 days ago
Just been looking at my last race results and thought it would be good to see how much kers was left after each lap.

Not sure how hard it would be to implement but tyre percentage and fuel load is on there, just thought that kers usage might be a good graphic to have on there. Especially if someone questions whether you used kers on (said) lap, you can prove it if you want to lol
medal 5000
10 years 300 days ago
"Especially if someone questions whether you used kers on (said) lap"
That is so me, John :D
medal 5208
10 years 300 days ago
I don't really see how much this would benefit the race data. This is mainly a surplus boost and is very circumstantial when used properly. Datamining it and incorporating it into your strategy wouldn't benefit it the way you think it would.
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