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Advanced Options not working on drying out races (Again)

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medal 5000
4 years 55 days ago (Last edited by Juanito Jones 4 years 55 days ago)
What did you try to do?
I set the advanced options for a wet race in Italy yesterday. And it didn't worked as I planned.
Italy iGP

What happened instead?
The game ran 2 stints on Intermediates for everyone who did advanced options while we only chose 1. One guy suffered even worse since he ran 1 lap on Wets with no water on track for no reason at all! It didn't started to rain again as you can see the backmarkers going Mediums until the end.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Mobile data

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Moto G9+

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
It's the second Offline race which was messed up by this, the other been this one: Wet-Soft-Inter-Soft

Additional comments:
My AS:

What happened (It stopped raining on lap 4 from and it was on 4mm):

The dark green car did Wets before finally going Mediums! As you can see on the detailed Race result, he lost an easy 1-2 because of the extra pit compared to everyone!
medal 5000
4 years 55 days ago
Hello, everything happened also to me. I was the guy with 1 lap on W with dry weather. Same strategy as Juanito!
medal 5000
4 years 55 days ago
I totally dont understand where the bug is ?? It seems ok to me.
medal 5000
4 years 55 days ago
I totally dont understand where the bug is ?? It seems ok to me.

The game has 2 options to react to rainy races for offline managers:

"Put tyre if water level is above Y mm" and;
"After Z laps, pit for tyre"

I selected Wets when above 3mm and Intermediates after 5-6 laps.
So when it stopped raining (lap 4 for the leading group) the game would count the laps (not necessarily full laps) and pit accordingly to the Advanced Option we made, which happened as planned. But after that stint on Intermediates we all made a second unplanned stint on them again! And it happened even worse to Nilvio as he pitted for Wets for a single lap! The correct would've been we going for what we had on the main strategy, but the game messed up.

That second stint on Intermediates isn't possible to be made with the current Advanced Options we have and it messed up everyone's fuel and possible DRS, which is really strong on Italy. Nilvio was the biggest loser on that for doing an unnecessary stint on Wets before going to the 6th stint which we can't even control directly as we want!
medal 5000
4 years 54 days ago
Ok, I saw your results (that talk much more than your screenshots). 

Honestly I can talk only about you since we don't know others strategies/advanced strategies. I agree with the fact that the second stint with Inter (the third one of the race) has no sense.

Agree also on one lap with W concerning Silvio's race. That is a SUPER MEGA GIGA old problem.
medal 5000
4 years 50 days ago
May I ask some support member to take the full data from this race to open a new investigation of the problem later? 6 days already past ?
medal 5083 Super Mod
4 years 50 days ago
Good evening, Juanito! 

I'm sorry for the late reply! I have flagged this thread to the support team's attention. I beg your patience while they investigate. 

medal 5000
4 years 50 days ago
Thanks a lot Doe! ???
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