Verth Veriel medal 5000 4 years 62 days ago
Hi, im leage host and now my league slowly dissapear. New members in the game didn't see league suggestions. Now you delete unactive players and noone can find my league. Soon i will have only elite divisions. Why you destroy old system? It was good. I see a lot of good leagues have this same problem.

Paul Alexander medal 5000 4 years 62 days ago
It looks like it’s being worked on. My league was having the same problem for a few months but the Rookies are coming back now...not like any of them actually stay after registering their accounts! Although if 1 in every 15-20 new managers stay then we will have enough to build on.
I also have another league that is pretty new that is really struggling but it must be very difficult for the devs to find the right balance I suppose