David Smith medal 5000 4 years 51 days ago
I just lost a race round Spa to someone who had more pace than me. By my understanding I had slightly better acceleration and handling than her, and noticeably better downforce than her, while she had noticeably better braking. In real life braking is significantly less important than those other 3 generally, and also significantly less important around Spa than both acceleration and downforce. We both have maxed drivers and HQs. I don't understand how she was faster than me.

Jack Van Challis medal 5000 4 years 50 days ago
There's a combination of factors that could have contributed. Firstly, use of push levels and boost through a race. Using them well can overcome someone with a slightly faster car. They may have better FE that allows them to run the car lighter which gives more speed.
I'm also convinced that drivers have a selection of hidden stats, that make some better than others even if the stats are exactly the same. Different track and tyre preferences and weaknesses... it isn't necessarily best stats = win

Kari Haahtela medal 5003 4 years 44 days ago
Jack Van Challis indeed. I have experience similar races where I have been positive that the car stats are better than anyone else's for a particular track and I have not won, and vice versa. Also, management of tyre temperature has a significant effect.