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Changing Engine Displacement, Architecture and Aspiration!

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medal 5000
10 years 272 days ago
I think it would a cool idea for league owners to be able to set various engine details for forthcoming seasons.

This could include the displacement, the layout and architecture and the aspiration.

So you could have the first four seasons set at 3.2L NA V8's, then switching to a system like the current V6 Hybrids.

This would then allow for the stats to change for each engine manufacturer depending on the league rules,
for example NA V8's might favour the 'Mercedes' engines but V6's might be 'Renaults' strong point and so forth.

It would probably force teams to change engine manufaturers depending on rules instead of finding one supplier
and sticking with them for the duration of the league's activity.

If it was possible you could go further into the Transmission options.

Any thoughts ?

medal 5000
10 years 271 days ago
Good idea but i dont think it will happen since this is based on an old championship, i think 2009 i cant quite remember
medal 5000
10 years 270 days ago
Yeah i would also like more engine options and variaties.
medal 5000
10 years 269 days ago
At the current pace of development, I don't think you should get your hopes up too high for this.
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