Michał Nowak medal 5000 4 years 43 days ago
Is the safety car added to the game? I see the "safety car" feature on 3.600 version update info, i asked for sc on a forum, someone ask "is the safety car visible?" i asked on league, administrator say there is no safety car on races, so is the safety car added? Or not

Chris Stanley medal 5001 4 years 43 days ago
No, the Safety Car was never added to the game, even though it was rumoured ?

Michał Nowak medal 5000 4 years 43 days ago
Ok, i get answer on a polish forum, the safety car is delete in last update because there is so many reports on it

David Smith medal 5000 4 years 42 days ago
SC and VSC were added about a year ago, but were removed not long after because they caused too many problems.