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KERS weight penalty?

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medal 5000
10 years 271 days ago
Hi All,
I have searched before asking and I can't see a reference to this question..

Does a car take a weight/performance penalty when you get KERS?
Will an identical car without KERS perform better than a car with KERS but where the KERS is not utilised or the cars run unattended?

I'm asking as my car seems to be performing worse since getting KERS than it was beforehand.

Any advice appreciated.

medal 5000
10 years 271 days ago
Warren, There isn't a weight penalty associated with KERS & there is a significant performance advantage with it.

Kers is automatic unless you change it to manual use via settings within the race.

If your cars are not going so well, this is not related to KERS
medal 5000
10 years 271 days ago
Thanks Andrew,

That's the answer I was looking for.
It is of course possible that my competitors have out-developed me. I was just looking to rule this out really.

Thanks again,

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