Jay Whywhy medal 5000 10 years 311 days ago
it would be nice to be able to choose a custom car number that you can keep for ever, just like the new f1 rules.
It would make each team special in a way.

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 311 days ago
But there isnt enough numbers for the millions of players. well there is but it will make it confusing

Philip Kraus medal 5000 10 years 311 days ago
It could work, if you limited for each team choosing their own car # for that particular league in that particular category at the beginning of every season.

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 309 days ago
but 2 people might choose the same number. wat u gunna do then ey?

Nick Gatto medal 5000 10 years 309 days ago
It'd have to based on the previous year's standing, with anyone new to the league would picking after that in the order they joined

Philip Kraus medal 5000 10 years 309 days ago
Or, first come first serve.

Katrianne Davies medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Or your car number is saved for the league that you are in, and yea, first come first serve gets the number they want

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 10 years 307 days ago
I think for the developers it's a lot of work which would only bring a minor improvement to the gameplay.
But I could be wrong.

Alex M-S medal 5000 10 years 305 days ago
Can't see how it would require much work and it would be cool

Sonny Philips medal 5000 10 years 305 days ago
I can see 101 other things that would make the game better. This is not one of them.
It brings nothing in the way of actual gameplay.

Malcolm Kerr medal 5000 10 years 303 days ago
I'd rather see team names next to manager names in the chat panel.