Craig Graham medal 5000 10 years 309 days ago
Hi everyone, I'm new here and i was wondering why i can only use the mobile timing screen and not the timing screen with interaction? I give it over 10 minutes to work but i always have a black screen.
If anyone could help i would really like that. it's the only bad thing i see on a very good game

Tom Bryan medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
You have to subscribe to get the interactive screen.

Sean Douglas medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
You can get the timing with interaction without subscribing. I had problems at first but saw in another topic people suggested updating java. I did that and mine works fine now

Craig Graham medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Ok I will try that Sean, thanks.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
It's not a problem with your account Craig. I logged in as you & everything is working as it should be.
Check to see how many versions of Java you have on your machine. I had 4 on my machine, which I deleted & then installed the latest version to get things working.
Search the forum for java & you will find various threads offering assistance
If it still won't work let me know

Craig Graham medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Thanks for the advide Andrew.
I went to update Java but i found out it wasn't even installed. I've installed it now and I'll see if I can use the timing screen with interaction during my next race on monday.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
You might want to test it before then Craig.
Try spectating to see if it works

Craig Graham medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
I went to spectate and it worked. Thank you very much