Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
In the race currently going ahead (link below), I chose a short inter stint to start the race as it stopped raining 5 mins before the start of the race. I open up the race and find that for quali and my first stint, I was stuck on softs. I wouldn't have minded if the track wasn't wet but it was still and probably perfect for inters!.
I have proof of my strategy but as the race is still going, I haven't got proof of what was actually run

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Race was at 7pm so that was what was locked in

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Got nothing to spend it on ;)

R F medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
John, sometimes theres a glitch where you have to click the tabs about and see if the save option goes green again, that happens to me sometimes and the data goes back to before I pressed save. Btw, you were in 3rd until it started to stop raining and you automatically went back to softs and dropped to 8th ;)

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Yeah I saw that Ryan lol
But it definitely saved as all the fuel loads were correct

R F medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Did you save, go out of your setup and then go back in and re-checked it to be what you wanted? If you did then the change probably a game bug

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
That screen is when I went back into it after I saw I was on softs.
It let me briefly get back into that screen.

Harrison Whitworth medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Was your "If it stops raining, after X laps change to XX tyres" in advanced settings set to Softs?
If so, and it was dry, that may have been it.

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 308 days ago
Not entirely sure, maybe someone can check for me? I can't look back at that I don't think

James Young medal 5000 10 years 307 days ago
Oooh, that cash!
Oh, please.
Got nothing to spend it on
Also this.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 307 days ago
Unfortunately John that data is not retained