Lacerion de Tylmarande medal 5000 10 years 300 days ago
Hello mangers,
hovering the mouse cursor over the engine parameters, reliability and rigidity namely, will show: ''More Reliability/Rigidity allows engine run higher power settings''.
1. Could you please help me where the engine power settings could be found and modified?
2. If not possible to modify these parameters dircetly is there an indirect approach? (Drivers push buttons, for example)
Thank you for help!

James Young medal 5000 10 years 298 days ago
The Driver Push buttons are tied to the engine power settings. Each step up on the Push level makes your driver attack more aggressively (corners as well as fights for position), and the engine will give more power as well (so better acceleration and higher top speed).

Lacerion de Tylmarande medal 5000 10 years 298 days ago
Thank you very much James for answering my question!