R F medal 5000 10 years 290 days ago
Hi guys, could you vote for me in this competition to win tickets to the British GP, it literally only takes a second to do and it would mean a lot to me. Thanks :)
Here's the link: http://50.silverstone.co.uk/post/45473/

Tony James medal 5000 10 years 290 days ago
Done. Fingers crossed for you.

Tom Heather medal 5000 10 years 290 days ago
Done! Looking good on 30 votes so far!

R F medal 5000 10 years 289 days ago
Up to 67 votes now, still a long way to go if i'm to break into the top 10 and win the tickets. Hopefully everyone who sees this post goes and votes for me, as every single one goes a long way :) http://50.silverstone.co.uk/post/45473/

Angelo Iannì medal 5008 10 years 289 days ago
How many votes should be necessary to let you enter Top 10, according your opinion?

Ryan Foley medal 4902 10 years 288 days ago
Thanks Gustavo :) Angelo, the amount needed is changing all the time, but the estimate is about another 600 more :P It's a long shot to get that amount as I entered the competition only a few days ago whereas the guys in the top 10 entered when the competition began. However I am getting more than most of the top 10 have gotten in the last 2 days so all I can do is try :P

Angelo Iannì medal 5008 10 years 288 days ago
You got my vote.
Good luck for the contest.

R F medal 5000 10 years 288 days ago
Thanks Angelo :) 2 votes off 100 now, onwards and upwards! :P

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 10 years 286 days ago
ok that is me voted Ryan - hope you win :)