I am aware that you can kick people from leagues but I'm not sure if you can actually stop someone joining your league.
I am only suggesting this as there is one person (not pointing names) that joins our league for 2/3 races during the season break in his normal league and is essentially affecting our championship.
I know you can't stop people changing leagues but perhaps hosts can stop certain people joining their leagues.
I think John has a very valid point. Perhaps placing a time penalty each time someone changes leagues, such as you have to wait 10 days before you can change leagues again?
I like Malcolm's suggestion, only thing is, is there a set maximum time between 2 seasons in a league?
And Ryan, he didn't really affect my season but he took points away from your rivals when he finished 2nd and you won. It's unfair on the others to be honest, and it's not like he's off the pace when he comes in, he's right up at the front.
I have a simular issue, in that after competing in one league you are automatically restarted in it for the next season and if you leave, it shows up on your record as 0 points, 0 everything. Surely it should just not appear that you entered that league. Also is there a way to choose which league to join after you finish in one. Furthermore can you alternate between rookie/ pro and elite or is that automatic too?