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Is there a handicap for people with 100% parts!

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medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
I have 100% parts in my league and another guy in my league has 60%! Both our drivers are the same level yet he's beating me almost everyrace! We both know how to save tyres and get the optimal fuel as we both have played the game for just under a year! Can someone inform me if there is a handicap or something because I've earnt these parts but im not getting the reward!
medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
Looks like your drivers lack physical training compared to the team that's in front of you in the standings. That could be a reason for it. A tired driver doesn't go as fast as you would like him to. :)
medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
As i experienced few times already that if i start a season with 100% car, I do well for first 4-5 races and than I really struggle to beat those cars which are overdeveloping in the current season from 65-70%, So nowdays i try to avoid developing a 100% cars early in the season, maybe its just my Thinking but i thought its better to share my weird Experience 
medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
Once you have the 100% car, you're also the one to spy on. After some races other teams start to catch up and then it come down to strategy and drivers again.
medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
Heres my drivers health!
medal 5000
10 years 240 days ago
Oliver, compared to your opponent (by looking at the bubble) his driver's physical stats are way ahead of yours.  Get your physical stats maxxed up like his.
medal 5000
10 years 238 days ago
I can confirm, my physical stats are nearly maxed.
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