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Quick Strategy Menu

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medal 5000
3 years 341 days ago
To make things a little clearer on two parts.

1. For fuel, being able to distinguish the difference between the amount of LAPS and litres remaining. Currently the text colour for LAPS is a mix of green and white, LAPS should consistently be one colour and litres another.

2. Another being a clearer difference in the next tyre to be fitted, aswell as having the tyre highlighted, possibly make the other choices slightly smaller(exaggerated below to to make the point, but you get what I mean) so in this case it is obvious the red SS are next on the car.

Hopefully the aim would be to be a bit more certain when reporting "bugs" and ofc a friendlier UI, just my two cents.
Yes, both have caught me, and a few others I know, out in the past.
medal 5272 Community Manager
3 years 341 days ago

Both of them very good UI suggestions, already notes for the future to discuss with the rest of the team. Thank you very much.

medal 5000
3 years 341 days ago
I personal think both of them are very good UI suggestion. Thx ?
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