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Pay race-by-race, not year-by year

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medal 5000
10 years 221 days ago
Is it possible for this to happen?
$56AUD is quite a lot to pay in one bundle for a game you want to try out in its full form.
I'd pay for, f.e, 1 season (17 races) if the price was 50c per race. If the game was worthwhile, I'd then pay for the yearly subscription afterwards.
Hope you can consider.
medal 5000
10 years 221 days ago
at $56AUD  56/52 = $1.077AUD per week to play. you can race 7 times in a week. 7x50c = $3.5AUD

Cheaper as it is
medal 5000
10 years 221 days ago
But to dedicate that much money for a game you want to try out is a bit overwhelming, don't you think?
medal 5011
10 years 220 days ago
To be honest I'd rather it month by month
medal 5000
10 years 220 days ago
Would also be good :)
medal 5000
10 years 220 days ago
Think the reason for this is that would cost more to process a small payment than the amount itself, hence why only year-long subscriptions are available.
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