I've been a member of several manager game communities in the past and have come to realise that the activity of the main forums is what keeps the game thriving.
We should encourage more forum activity so more people are more motivated to play, which will lead to more people referring the game to their friends.
I think it would help if there the forum section of the homepage was given more prominence, something like this:
I wouldn't worry at all. It's Summer and that means that gaming in general dies down.. I've been a gamer for over 10 years and it happens every year.. It will pick back up as soon as the nights draw in and get colder again.
That is good to know Sonny. It had never occured to me that there might be dips in gaming - but that only applies to 'British' players surely, as this is meant to be a world wide game. But I assume that most people posting comments are from the northen hemisphere.