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    medal 0
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medal 5000
3 years 357 days ago
Mivel próbálkoztál?
I competed + did free practice

Helyette mi történt?
Free practice does not show any data just a lot of zeros. I have detailed the events of the competition below

Wifi, mobilinternet vagy mindkettő használatakor jelentkezett a hiba?

Alkalmazáson, PC-n vagy mindkettőn jelentkezett a hiba?

Milyen típusú a készüléked?
Huawei P Smart 2019

Milyen az operációs rendszer?

Milyen verziószámú az operációs rendszer?

Megismételhető a hiba?
Bugs have multiplied since the last update. They have a fairly wide spectrum starting with the release and actually have all the common bugs. I just don't understand why this is. There used to be bugs, but max 2 races per season. Now find 3 bugs in 3 days.

További hozzászólások:
During the race, whoever was ahead sensed the game backwards. The day before, the nitro stumbled like an animal and the drs were buggy as I never got a drs for 0.75. I also have screenshots of the fir
medal 5671 Community Manager
3 years 357 days ago

Refresh the tab, everything should appear as normal on your practice laps.
medal 5672
3 years 356 days ago
Yes after I posted the message I reloaded the app and after that it returned to normal
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