Boli Poli medal 5000 3 years 357 days ago (Last edited by
Boli Poli 3 years 357 days ago)
My qualifying has always been terrible and I can't figure out a way to get better qualifying, does push level make a difference in qualifying and if not is there any other way to get a better qualifying? Does anyone know?

Kari Haahtela medal 5003 3 years 355 days ago
Hi Boli! At least atm you drivers's talent level is really low which affects their capabilities. Try to find a driver with 20 talent. When the race is right, you definitely need capable driver.
You are still at a very early stage in your manager career, so as you level up, remember to train your drivers' skills so that they perform better. Talent is the only attribute that cannot be trained. Hence, finding driver with high talent level is crucial.
I guess performance in both qualifying and race is a combination of different variables, such as drivers, car attribute, tires, engines, staff etc. Try to make the best out of these different variables.
In the meantime, have fun while racing!

Sergiy Nevidomo medal 5462 3 years 353 days ago
A good question, as far as I know, is definitely influenced by the "fuel economy" calculation of the onslaught level, it seems that yes, and as if not, it is generally difficult to say here, but anyway, you need to hire good staff, and find good pilots.