Alex Gillon medal 5000 10 years 243 days ago
I'm not entirely sure how this works in the backend, but there needs to be some sort of progress bar for upgrades that are being designed.
Do upgrades reset from 0% when I assign more / less staff to it? Or does it just carry on from where the current staff got to? A progress bar would clear all that up and make it much more obvious what is going on.
It will also give you a nice visual representation of how far they've got and I think it would add quite a bit to this part of the game.

Alex Gillon medal 5000 10 years 243 days ago
Also, it would be good if it were to show you a forecast of what the upgrades will give you. This would be particularly useful when using the this season / next season slider.

Nick Baldwin medal 5000 10 years 243 days ago
Alex, a tip that not so many people may know is that you assign as many designers onto one part so it is developed for the next day. For example you can do this: http://gyazo.com/2a3b9c0e1f5ba94050a8618710cb0501 instead of: http://gyazo.com/156c44e2d6bf767e1e96268f261497da to get high level parts quicker. This is how alot of the top teams develop a top car.
Hope it helps, P.S Love the videos :)

Nick Baldwin medal 5000 10 years 243 days ago
Another thing is, if you had a good car last season you wont be able to develop as good as a car for the next season, and vica versa.