Al Mo medal 5000 3 years 344 days ago
I have 3 different accounts in 3 different browsers logged in, every time a race launches it opens the iGP Manager exe, so I have to log out of the exe every time and enter account details, can you not make it that it detects which account I'm using from the browser?
Also I have uninstalled the exe as it won't log me out of Facebook to change account and now every time I click race it asks to open the exe and I can't login the race through the browser itself.

Lee Travis medal 5000 3 years 344 days ago (Last edited by
Lee Travis 3 years 344 days ago)
Update, I reinstalled the exe, and still I can't log out of facebook and login with my 2nd facebook games account, you need an option to login with another facebook account like google has on most apps.

Kristian Niss medal 5000 3 years 343 days ago
Where can you download the .exe?

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 343 days ago
Where can you download the .exe?
Click here , download and install.