Jose Hosay medal 5000 10 years 231 days ago
Any chance someone could give me advice on where I went wrong in yesterday's German GP - I messed up the tyre strategy / pitting big time - I've still not got to grips with how the pit thing works.
Rain had been forecast so I selected wet weather tyres for Stint 1. However when the race started it was dry and somehow (automatically???) I was on SuperSofts. Does that automatically default set that?
Anyway that wasn't the main problem: I thought everything was okay and after looking at the fuel/tyre usages decided to change stint 2 to Mediums in the top section of the pop-up box. Should this have been done in the bottom section called unscheduled stops? You see when they pitted they came out on Wet tyres!!!!?!? Was that from the original setting?
What does 'Follow the Weather strategy mean'? Should I have checked that box?
And finally: do I need to click PIT to make my car come in or does it do it naturally? I'm guessing that if I want it to stick with normal plan, I do nothing and it'll pit when fuel/tyres are low (I don't want to run out of fuel!) whereas when I change plan I must do this manually?
Hope someone can help!

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
1. Probably yes, but dont know why. Are you sure you had really wet tyres? Did you change it to SS and forgot to save, perhaps?
2. No. If you have a scheduled pitstop and want to change tyres, go to the number list of pitstops (in this case the 2nd) and change the tyres. It's done.
3. When "Follow weather strategy" is ticked, the driver always automatically goes to the box to change tyres if it stops/begins raining! I always untick that option at start of race.
4. The driver does it naturally when he sees he can't do one more lap with remaining fuel. The PIT option is when you want to make the driver pit in that lap, because you've changed your mind on strategy, tyres, whatever...
Also can be used when you want to make an unscheduled stop (first select the fuel, tyres, tick Unschedule stop, and press PIT. He will pit in the next opportunity).

Jose Hosay medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
OK, you make it sound simple, thanks - not sure how I got into such a mess last night. Think I ended up clicking and unclicking so many boxes and probably changing too much in the panic!!

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
lol - we have all been there Jose! :)

Jose Hosay medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
Great news!...for me anyway -
just secured a 7th and 8th in a grid of 22, with most having DRS/KERS available all thanks to a nifty bit of last-minute strategy change mid-race as I saw the tyre usage during the opening laps. Changed from s-s-ss to a s-m strategy - worked a treat as I was the only one who managed to one stop!
I know it's not a win like most of you have many of, but to me it was a real achievement beating many much more experienced and better drivers/cars/managers.
I love the 2D part of this game, it's fab!
And yes I know I'm 2 years behind most of you, but probably doesn't hurt to hear the occasional 'woohoo' moment again!

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
You're in my league now, Jose... watch out !
Take your time in Rookie and Pro, because when you get to Elite you'll be CRUSHED.
Just messing with you... you're welcome. Love you're enthusiasm over the game, makes me remembering when i joined...
Don't hurry or desperate to promote in tiers, instead try to understand the game and develop the car and drivers,so when you get there you'll be ready to cope.
Keep up the good races.

Jose Hosay medal 5000 10 years 230 days ago
Thanks mate! I noticed you were here too! Makes for a good thing to aim for! But yes, I know these games are long-term not short-term, that's why we all enjoy them!