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Make Development in only 4part

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medal 5000
3 years 328 days ago (Last edited by Hüseyin Satıcı 3 years 328 days ago)
Thanks developers. You managed to screw game. Before the "BIG" update at least we could pass lapped cars without blocked so much or we could pass heavier cars, game wasn't all about main 4 there was fuel also and sometimes tires were important too. But thanks to your "MASSIVE" " SUPERB" "BIG" update game is all about main4, tactics all about main4 strenght. Before the update at least it was about some fuel load, some tyre health. So what about dear developers delete other things than main4 and we all do same tactics? Thank you for making game worse than ever
medal 5000
3 years 328 days ago
Not so and worrying too much. Read the iGP Manager 3D FAQ Blog. They're redoing balancing of car design along with other things.
medal 5000
3 years 327 days ago

Thanks developers. You managed to screw game. Before the "BIG" update at least we could pass lapped cars without blocked so much or we could pass heavier cars, game wasn't all about main 4 there was fuel also and sometimes tires were important too. But thanks to your "MASSIVE" " SUPERB" "BIG" update game is all about main4, tactics all about main4 strenght. Before the update at least it was about some fuel load, some tyre health. So what about dear developers delete other things than main4 and we all do same tactics? Thank you for making game worse than ever

Main4? What's that?
medal 6210
3 years 327 days ago
The developers can't change everything in one go, but things are moving slowly and step by step other changes will come in. Rome wasn't built in one day! Patience my friend! 
medal 5000
3 years 327 days ago
Rome didn't built in 1 day but didn't fall in 1 day also. Main issiues in top leauges were tactic varierty and hard overtaking, now overtakings are worse, tactic variertys worse and car development paths are worse as i see. Idk if big problem is scaling or something like that but as i see many things are worse
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