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Rear view onboard...

Should there be a rear-view camera and mirror?

9.52% (2)
Camera only...
19.05% (4)
23.81% (5)
Not a camera, but a rear-view mirror...
47.62% (10)
Both camera and mirror!
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medal 5000
3 years 304 days ago
I would suggest a feature in which you could go rear-onboard with the cars and see what's behind you with the mirror...
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
3 years 303 days ago
Actual mirrors would not run well on anything except desktop. The only viable option for mobiles and tablets is a rear-facing camera that you can toggle. Unfortunately, if we had mirrors on those platforms it would kill the framerate, otherwise would have added them. It's the easiest thing to add and the fastest way to kill performance.
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