Snellen Eddy medal 5000 10 years 169 days ago
I just noticed the following:
Hiring a new TD and sorting by experience. No filters applied.
On page 6 or so I find a lvl12 one with 20 exp. Hired her and in my staff page the diagram shows a much lower experience value.
It's the same for other TD's. In the overview they show experience 20 and when having a look at their 'personal' page the diagram is nowhere near full.
Could be that I'm missing something here but didn't feel right, just wanted to let you know.
Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 169 days ago
Snellen, could you please post the link to the driver
Snellen Eddy medal 5000 10 years 165 days ago
Hey Andrew,
sorry for the late response.
The experience is with Staff members.
For example: Select the Technical Director market --> Order by experience (descending) --> go to page 3 (should still have experience at 20) --> select any of the TD's there and look at their 'personal page'. In the diagram the experience corner (top one) is not at 20 (wich is complety filled if I'm correct).