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New tier (World Champs)

After Elite, do you think World Champs will now be the highest tier in the game, even faster than Elite itself?

41.67% (10)
Yes, Jimmy! Top 4 advance there!
8.33% (2)
Yes, only champions of Elite.
45.83% (11)
No, no! Elite still is the top..
4.17% (1)
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medal 5000
3 years 295 days ago (Last edited by Jimmy Richard 3 years 294 days ago)
 I would suggest a new tier, which is even faster than Elite, called World Champs. World Champs would be 3-4 seconds faster than Elite itself. It would be the fourth tier, and would be the highest.
Also, to make the game even more competitive, I suggested the point scores for World Champs, which some have double the score, while some where made up from my conception. Most people dislike the option, so this is unlikely to be implemented to the game.

1st: 50 pts.
2nd: 35 pts.
3rd: 28 pts.
4th: 25 pts.
5th: 22 pts.
6th: 20 pts.
7th: 14 pts. 
8th: 8 pts. 
9th: 6 pts. 
10th: 3 pts.
11th: 2 pts.
12th: 1pt. 

Also, World Champs increases the manager space limit from 32 to 46 to matter the scoring system, and to make World Champs the best..

This might be rejected...
If you're still reading, like all other tiers, the bottom 4 will be demoted. The top 42 will stay.
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