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DRS Trains....

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medal 5000
3 years 293 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 292 days ago)
Thought this might have been sorted out by now. Fastest car at Austria (again) only car to do an extra lap on first stint, thought (as any racing driver would) time to take advantage and use some boost, used 50% and came out of the pits with a massive lead, woo hoo! About 5 laps later gone, no lead thanks to the DRS train! Race shot, I am now in the pack with half the boost of everyone else. How can that be right! It makes NO sense. It just backs up the sad truth that you can only win by saving your boost until the last lap Russian Roulette fiasco! What happened to clean air advantage? I have been wondering why I have been enjoying Quick races so much and now it's dawned on me, fewer cars spread out equals NO DRS train! You can actually use your boost at ANY time in the race and not be penalised for racing your own race. I considered just racing Quick races but I don't think you can unless you're in a league with a pretty good car and driver. If you don't have a league does your car lose its advantages? And of course Quick races are just fun but maybe that's more important than stressing over DRS. This game has meant a lot to me but what is the point of all the time setting up and taking it seriously plus all the great new graphics IF you cannot race properly and just all sit there until the last lap and just hold your finger on the boost button. There was a fantastic forum post about two months ago (it had 86 responses!) and many people offered some great suggestions to sort out this problem. I write post race reports and pre race trailers which everyone in the league seem to appreciate and I'm one of the few people who engage in banter during the race but if you can't race your own race when your clearly have a fast car and just have to sit there all race watching dots go around and around I think I have better things to do. I came 8th.
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