Adam Stevens medal 5000 10 years 195 days ago
what are the test runs exactly, as in what do they do for the car?

TJ Jackson medal 5000 10 years 194 days ago
As far as I've seen, they do not make your car better. However, they are important.
Test runs allow you to fine tune your car's set up. Your drivers will give you feedback about how to adjust the different aspects of the car's tuning. Follow your driver's advice, then do another test run. With a well-tuned car you will perform better in the race.

David Snell medal 5000 10 years 194 days ago
As TJ says these are essentially practice sessions. You can fine tune your car for the race. once you have done a season you can reload a previous set up at each track. the fine tune some more. ALso the more you train your driver the better the set up feedback will be.

Steve Gordon medal 5000 10 years 194 days ago
Hi, can I ask how can you see the timings for your test runs, I dont see how fast one driver is over the other.

Greg Broz medal 5000 10 years 193 days ago
@Adam the test runs help you determine the best setup for the driver for the track. When your driver says "feels good" right now that is the best setup for that driver...
which leads to @Steve... there are currently no timings available for practice runs. When it was implemented in the past, it casused problems with the server and had to be taken offline. At this time, the best set up for your driver is when he states "Feels Good".

Steve Gordon medal 5000 10 years 193 days ago
Thanks for your answer

Adam Stevens medal 5000 10 years 191 days ago
Thanks everyone, makes sense now....ish. Be simpler if you could see the times but anyways thanks for the answers guys