FUNKY BOBBY medal 5000 3 years 318 days ago
since the update the weather conditions during the race are invisible. rain except for the icon at the top of the screen is not visible
Could you make sure to change the visual and make the rain visible as before? thank you.

Cole Trickle medal 5000 3 years 318 days ago
I think, you are talking about a bug rather than a suggestion, do you?
How do you view the race?
In 2D, I had a couple of rainy races this week and the display of rain was fine.

Matthieu Bruggeman medal 5000 3 years 318 days ago
yes it is both a suggestion and a bug notification.
I just did a race in the rain and unfortunately the rain came but I couldn't see it ... result of soft tires and a very good position lost.
on the phone, I saw no difference. Note that my version of the game is 4.003. there seems to be another version but on Apple store it did not offer me.