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medal 5000
3 years 268 days ago
Can you make the green marker tell us the number of points, if we hover over it or click on it?

 I can kind of guess, but it would be much handier if it told us the number of points that are in the area
medal 5007
3 years 268 days ago

Can you make the green marker tell us the number of points, if we hover over it or click on it?

 I can kind of guess, but it would be much handier if it told us the number of points that are in the area

It would also be helpful to see who’s leading a category on mobile 

medal 5000
3 years 268 days ago
Just go to on the phone/pc web browser. 
The desktop app doesn't show info either 
medal 5000
3 years 267 days ago

Just go to on the phone/pc web browser. 
The desktop app doesn't show info either 

Yeah if you want to play the game properly delete the pc app and use a browser
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