M OEBEL medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
when loading the Race there is a "loading-failure":
"Firefox could´nt connect to the Server race.igpmanager.com"
I tried it on 3 different PC´s and Systems, 2d, free and mobile viewer all the same!
Loading is around 1 second, seems not to be the known java-problems. Maybe the server is down?

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
If there is work going on on the server, there needs to be a broadcast announcement to all leagues with a guesstimate of when the races will resume.
As it is, I have no idea if my league's race will go off today or not; all I know is that there was a nebulously-described issue yesterday.

M OEBEL medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
Race finished without us...

Robert Mays medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
I had the same problem Manuel , Couldn't load the race at all with the same message.

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
I've tried spectating races that are listed as running and can't connect with any of the 3 options. Haven't heard why.

Dieter Schmidtmann medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
the prob is still there...

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 177 days ago
We had no idea, this is the first I have heard of it. No notifications flagged up any issues. It is possibly down to our server management team, they did do some work on the server without asking us. I will check what they have done.
I am very sorry that this has affected your races and we will gladly postpone them if need be.

Patrick Roper medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
I am looking at the same screen as well. yesterday we had a problem where our race restarted 2-3 times after we finished it and then only recorded the last race race results.

Patrick Roper medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
ours is loading now. *fingers crossed*