Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 298 days ago (Last edited by
Kevin Bissell 3 years 298 days ago)
Your driver is still level 18 because every stat reached 20 when the manager was level 18.
You are correct that the driver will be as fast as a L20 driver but manager level is not the reason why Chris's driver displays as L18.
It's a visual bug that has been around for as long as I remember. The reason the driver peaked at L18 is that all the trainable attributes were maxed out before experience became 20. If you want a Talent 20 driver to become Level 20 you should stop training before all the trainable attributes reach 20. This usually means you will leave one of the "Mental" attributes at 19.
When "Experience" reaches 20 you continue to train the final mental attribute and as this clicks over to 20 the driver will become L20.
Edit: For this reason,
Ryan Wilson will also never be L20