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Aerial view 3D (improvement)

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medal 5000
3 years 263 days ago
Hi guys
I compared the aerial view on pc with the launcher and on mobile with the app. And to manage two cars, it's more easy on pc because we can zoom out more than on mobile and see what happened far away in front and behind the car. Currectly because of the 3d aerial view not enough zoom out on mobile it's very difficult to manager two cars during the race. 
So, is it possible to permit managers on mobile to zoom out a little bit more than now during races ?

medal 5000
3 years 263 days ago

Hi guys
I compared the aerial view on pc with the launcher and on mobile with the app. And to manage two cars, it's more easy on pc because we can zoom out more than on mobile and see what happened far away in front and behind the car. Currectly because of the 3d aerial view not enough zoom out on mobile it's very difficult to manager two cars during the race. 
So, is it possible to permit managers on mobile to zoom out a little bit more than now during races ?

True. I like the 3D aerial view but I don’t use it just because it’s not manageble with 2 cars. I’m on the mobile app and I can’t zoom out far enough to include both cars in one screen, even if they’re not too far apart

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