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Can't close app on PC

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medal 5000
3 years 284 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 283 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Close app on PC

What happened instead?
No red box with a cross appears in the top right hand corner after a quick race or other activity so I can't close the app and get back to my desktop so I have to re-boot my pc. Tried 'escape' key and that does nothing.

UPDATE: I have deleted the app from my pc and started using my Firefox browser to sort the issue. I'm assuming the pc app doesn't exist anymore because I couldn't see as an option?

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Opened on desktop.

Can the bug be reproduced?
Happens about 90% of the time.

Additional comments:
medal 5296
3 years 280 days ago
I think they tried to move it to the profile pic sub-menu close to log out (which forces you to go through a few more steps to exit the app).

But it's not working as intended. Although it says "Quit" while the option to it's left says "Log out", they both log out!

Furthermore, if you log out and log in again it actually spams the button for each new log in you've done!
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 280 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 3 years 280 days ago)
All issues reported in this topic should be resolved now. Thanks for the reports.

Note: they may require a cache clear or reinstall to take effect (I've noted that cache clear is not reliable on the desktop build as it is on the mobile/tablet apps).

EDIT: FYI, currently to get the desktop version you must have your settings on 3D mode and launch a race (e.g. spectate) from the browser to be prompted to download it.
medal 5000
3 years 278 days ago

All issues reported in this topic should be resolved now. Thanks for the reports.

Note: they may require a cache clear or reinstall to take effect (I've noted that cache clear is not reliable on the desktop build as it is on the mobile/tablet apps).

EDIT: FYI, currently to get the desktop version you must have your settings on 3D mode and launch a race (e.g. spectate) from the browser to be prompted to download it.

Thanks once again Jack ?
medal 5000
3 years 278 days ago (Last edited by Kali Enby 3 years 278 days ago)
I can report that on the web browser (not app) the issue remains. I have tried clearing cache and everything, but I can't log out. The only thing I haven't tried is clearing browser cookies, but the normal web operation silently ignores my logout.

This did not happen 24 hours ago.


I tried using a private firefox tab, which should not be affected by cookies or alike, and once I log in, I cannot log out anymore. Of course closing the tab and opening a new private one will destroy my session, but that's a lot of overkill...
medal 5000
3 years 278 days ago

I can report that on the web browser (not app) the issue remains. I have tried clearing cache and everything, but I can't log out. The only thing I haven't tried is clearing browser cookies, but the normal web operation silently ignores my logout.

This did not happen 24 hours ago.


I tried using a private firefox tab, which should not be affected by cookies or alike, and once I log in, I cannot log out anymore. Of course closing the tab and opening a new private one will destroy my session, but that's a lot of overkill...

Oh, I see what you mean. The devs added the button, which now closes the app, on the browser for some reason!

Tyr using that other button on the left of this X, Kali
medal 5000
3 years 278 days ago

Oh, I see what you mean. The devs added the button, which now closes the app, on the browser for some reason!

Tyr using that other button on the left of this X, Kali

Lol that worked.

Very useful X shaped icon that totally does not resemble a log out and totally does not raise the same question about closing and totally does not leave us questioning what on earth...

Yeah that button needs to leave on the web. Like, really...

Thanks for helping me log out from the web anyway! xD

posted from my b account, which i logged into when i managed to log out from the other one xD
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