Matteo Scaptura medal 5000 10 years 174 days ago
Currently tire temp is indicated by colors, obviously blue is cold and red is hot. However, a problem that Ive run into is that due to the fact that I am colorblind I cannot tell what color a tire actually is until it is very red or almost blue because all the greyish colors in the middle look the same to me. I think it would be beneficial to have an actual temperature readout for the tires in addition to the colors. Im sure there must be others who have run into this issue as well.

Austin William medal 5000 10 years 174 days ago
Not colorblind, but perhaps in addition to the color system currently used, a bar graph of some sort is in order.

Phyrxes Racing medal 5000 10 years 174 days ago
I also support the idea of some noncolor based indicator, anything to make it easier to distinguish temperature variations than staring a little square.

Patrick Roper medal 5000 10 years 172 days ago
I like this idea as well. I good non color indicator for tire temp would be great.

Alan Suter medal 5000 10 years 171 days ago
I've got another question regarding tire temp
When tires are red, does that mean there overheating or does red mean its good cause there warm and opperating well?
Like i mean is red mean that the tires are in operating window or not, and what is the ideal colour to have the tires

Brandon Holtzhausen medal 5000 10 years 171 days ago
@ alan.... i find my times are better and more consistant and tires last longer when the colour is like a warm pink.... too blue is slow and red is slow and high wear rate
@ matteo.... not colour blind but i do agree with what you say, maybe the whole car with its colours and parts should be taken away and replaced with a telemitry showing wear rate, condition, temp like the tires and fuel currently, will be intresting too see if they can add engine heat.... too hot bad and too cold bad.... i think you on to something here!

Patrick Roper medal 5000 10 years 171 days ago
I read that grey is the optimum operating temp. Although I agree with Brandon that they appear to be quicker and wear more consistant when they are a pink color.

Greg Denton medal 5000 10 years 169 days ago
+1 on a different gauge. I'd suggest a bar graph with a -5 to +5 range with the center being optimal on a vertical scale.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 164 days ago
Introducing a non-color indicator for tire temperatures to the game would be a very good idea. It gets a little painful staring at the tires colors during the races. Sometimes I get delusional looking at the slight changes of color at each corner.
This can be even better if the feature is implemented into the research facility. Allow it to be researched when the development level reaches level 5 and set its cost in between the costs of researching DRS and KERS.

Isaac Marlowe medal 5000 10 years 164 days ago
I also think a non-color indicator would be better, not only to help color blind people, but also to show more accurate readings, which would make it more realistic, as I'm sure the F1 teams get almost perfect indications of tire tempature

Dylan Vaughan medal 5003 10 years 164 days ago
I like the bar graph idea for the read out. It gives the same sort of intuitive feel that the colors are going for but in an easier to understand and see way. Grey would be 0, blue would translate to -5 and bright red to 5, all of the other gradients of the colors would lie within the scale.

Rex Goliath medal 5000 10 years 164 days ago
I am sure there are many colorblind players that have been fristrated and quit as a result. The current system can be hard to read for everyone and any form of numeric or graph method would be an improvment. Thank you for speaking up Matteo.
Unknown medal 0 10 years 163 days ago
As another color blind user, this is a must.

TJ Jackson medal 5000 10 years 163 days ago
I also would like a numerical indication of some sort.