Greg Denton medal 5000 10 years 169 days ago
I'd like to recommend changing the language of the push system to something that indicates risk (and altering the system a bit as well).
If the levels were as such: Safe / Confident / Anxious / Aggressive / Insane Each level would implement not only a tire temp/fuel rate penalty, but increase the risk levels as well. For instance, if you were to try to run Insane for more than 3 contiguous laps the odds of a puncture/component failure/crash are likely. 2%/8%/20%/45%/70% perhaps? Even at Safe, things can go wrong but far less likely. If you want to push to insane to make up a gap and are willing to risk a DNF, go for it. You might be able to get cover a multi second improvement (suddenly find 3-5 seconds in a single lap) but go over a number of laps, and you lose the time gain to a puncture.
I'd like to see a development of the characteristics of drivers into the game. Think of Canamasas or Maldonado. Think of Button or Alonso. Most of the factors are already there, now perhaps a "Luck" attribute that negates some of the push penalty risk?
I'd really like to see the push levels risk more than tire life. Let's see messages like "<driver> out of the race with a <broken_condition>!" Higher push may have a higher shorter gain, but overuse it and risk a DNF/long slow limp to pit lap/etc.

David Blundell medal 5000 10 years 169 days ago
I think having drivers DNF because of random chance (even if you have influence over those chances) will lead to great frustation amongst managers, and people quitting the game. But I do like the idea of risk/reward. Perhaps "<driver> outbraked himself and missed the corner", incurring several seconds penalty for that lap.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 163 days ago
The push level already has this risk, I feel. A higher push level changes the driver's behavior and is a request to get them to drive the car a little more to its limit. In turn, driving closer to that limit results in increase fuel usage and tire consumption. Tires begin to overheat and the result is simple: Terrible sector times.
I do agree that there needs to be some sort of risk resulting in a DNF. Based on your suggestion, the maximum likelihood of a puncture/component failure/crash shouldn't be more than 5% at the maximum push level.
Driver's with the best talent levels don't deserve to have such a high likelihood of risks. Driver's with higher talent levels should also be able to provide reduced risks. It's also unfair to have such a high rate of risks because as tires cool down when they lose much of their life percentage I raise my push level.
Good suggestion, but the risks are too frequent and need to be rare.

Sean Riley medal 5000 10 years 163 days ago
i do agree id like to see damaged components during a race.
"Driver A ran into to the back of Driver B"
"Driver A needs a pit to replace the car's front wing" etc
ofc, chances should be minimal, and affected by a drivers stats.
id also like to see occasional damage to tyres and suspension, if pushing too hard, and attacking the kerbs too much.
possible DRS and KERS outages too, while the team (affected by staff stats) works to reset the software.
i would very much love to see a system where a push level can only be changed instantly if you have the staff and equipment to support it.
for example, if you had good communication systems, you could change instantly.
whereas, if no equipment, push levels can only be changed/updated as you cross the finish line, aka looking at your pitboard.
a new facility or staff member could be implemented to affect Radio Comms and its efficency.
there are many "small things" that could be done this way, which would help mix up the repeativeness of results, without costing players too much of a disadvantage, imo. whenever have you seen a perfect flawless race from all drivers? ;)