JNS Uchiha medal 5000 3 years 288 days ago
Chemistry Style iGP Driver/Staff
Hey guys,
I don’t want to write a roman so just a short idea:
what do you think about new variables for Drivers and Staff, like for example in FIFA FUT.
I mean implement something like the “supplier system (car)” for Drivers and Staff.
Therefore iGP could also implement a new Lootbox-System where Managers could get the “chemistry styles” maybe also in different tiers (bronze, silver, gold) for different tokens ?
Also there could be a “crafting system” for the “styles”
Some examples for “chemistry styles”:
“Low Rider” – Your car/driver will always use the lowest car height for the track
“Fearless” – Your driver brakes as late as possible
“Flash Crew” – Your Pits are 0,Xsec faster
“Depot” – Your able to hold 25 – 30 engines
….. All in all I think that the driver and staff need a bit mor attention ?
And if someone is interested, feel free to brainstorm ?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 288 days ago
Interesting suggestions, there are some good ideas in there.

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 288 days ago
I disagree, this would make the game pay to win

JNS Uchiha medal 5000 3 years 288 days ago
I disagree, this would make the game pay to win
iGP will also have a benefit ?
And it’s up to the way how it will be programmed. It doesn’t have to be pay to win ??♂️

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 288 days ago
In reply to Titan Jr.
Not necessarily, only if the costs are prohibitively expensive.
But the principle of training or employing better mechanics to get faster stops (we used to have this in the game before Aug 2016) and being able to store more than 20 engines are, in my opinion, good ideas.
I also like the idea of additional untrainable driver traits (other than Talent and height) which can make them better at certain circuits.

Slo Bro medal 5000 3 years 288 days ago
It could be similar to how suppliers work in design points. Imagine your driver can choose a personal sponsor contract, giving him a positive effect in one trait and a negative in another.
I do believe though, for this to work, it shouldn’t enable the manager to choose the sponsor. Or if manager can make the choice, not beeing able to change it for a few races.
Cause otherwise we’ll all be doing the same thing again in no time.