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DRS is progressively getting weaker during the race

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medal 5000
3 years 276 days ago
What did you try to do?
I was watching an offline race where cars were able to overtake on the beginning and barely able to do it in the end of the race. I was careful enough to record DRS on laps which didn't had boosting involved before the DRS

What happened instead?
DRS became useless and just a tool to close the gaps a bit, but not enough to counter the dirty air just before it's activation.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Desktop app, v4.009(415)

Can the bug be reproduced?
I've noticed it mainly in Abu Dhabi, but it might be happening in other tracks as well

Additional comments:
It happened on the race simulation, so the device isn't important.

Lap 4:

Lap 47 and 49, respectively:
medal 5000
3 years 275 days ago
But in lap 4, White didn't overtake. He was in front for a brief moment. But some corners later, there was a fair margin again.
medal 4985 Moderator
3 years 275 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 3 years 275 days ago)
That effect was to be expected, unfortunately. As the track rubbers in the cars are going faster, so the delta between normal pace and the absolute limit shrinks and thus reduced effect of DRS as it hits the limit sooner. If it was barely possible to overtake from the start that's easily enough to tip the scales, overlaid by the up and down from car weight.

Also the place of those tracks in the season calendar makes a difference, as again car pace increases as the season progresses.

If I'm not mistaken Jack named this area, together with tyres, to get focus after app stability.
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