Stanley Cooper medal 5000 10 years 160 days ago
Some of the posts warn that over training technical and mental can reduce driver speed. Does anyone know whats the rough number is that you can train these to before the driver starts to deteriorate?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 10 years 160 days ago
Personaly I tend not to go higher than a value of 2. Main sign is that drivers starts asking for higher gear ratios (beyond 75) and go "mental". It seems they are overrating themselves and start to loose speed. Don't know even if technical is the one to blame most for it. My driver has a technical of 1 and a mental of 4 and still asks for the higher gears.
There are more theories about hight of different statistics but sometimes it's also a feeling people get, certainly in highly competitive fields. A part of it is trial and error and not all drivers react the same way to same statistics. That's also the beauty about it, sometimes you find a gem who performes more than anticipated. :)

jordan scavo medal 5000 10 years 160 days ago
Do technical skills improve car setups, even if it makes the driver's performance suffer? In other words, will a driver with high technical skills set up a better car than a driver with lower technical skills?