Team One medal 5000 3 years 285 days ago
Why do we only get DRS on the pit straight? When in actuality the 2nd DRS zone is after turns 1 and 2!

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 285 days ago
Because having DRS multiple times per lap would make it impossible to get away from the pack

Lewis Hamilton medal 5000 3 years 284 days ago
I don't follow your logic. Are we racing or not?

Father Christmas medal 5000 3 years 283 days ago
So it's not a serious representation of F1 in a game then ! ?
It's a very defensive forum isn't it, you don't like criticism much eh..

Archie Bald medal 5154 3 years 283 days ago
So it's not a serious representation of F1 in a game then ! ?
It's a very defensive forum isn't it, you don't like criticism much eh..
Not sure they ever claimed to seriously represent F1. It’s just a game, have with it.

Sergiy Nevidomo medal 5547 3 years 283 days ago
Because having DRS multiple times per lap would make it impossible to get away from the pack
Are you afraid of losing?

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 283 days ago
Because having DRS multiple times per lap would make it impossible to get away from the pack
Are you afraid of losing?
No, I just think that it wouldn't be fun if every race was like Monza.

Lewis Hamilton medal 5000 3 years 278 days ago
Because having DRS multiple times per lap would make it impossible to get away from the pack
Are you afraid of losing?
No, I just think that it wouldn't be fun if every race was like Monza.
Eh. If the cars are well matched it'll be a good race on whatever circuit they are on, surely thats the point of the race, to race! Not run off into the distance and with an overpowered car. Yes says me!
Monaco is the only train circuit on the calendar imo.

Sergiy Nevidomo medal 5547 3 years 276 days ago
It's a pity to reject the topic, although you shouldn't expect another from the moderators, well, unless you've certainly offered something donate????

Richard Herman medal 5000 3 years 274 days ago
Honestly fine with most of the Drs zones, I would say change Russia, Mexico (actually just redo that whole t track)
Monaco is the only train circuit on the calendar imo.
Not even close, ik you're not in elite, but there are many tracks more trainy than Monaco, like Italy, Hungary, and Austria

James Richardson medal 5008 3 years 262 days ago
It would destroy having strategies, if you had someone on a 2 stop and 3 stop, the 3 stopper which is 4 or 5 laps lighter would not be able to get away from the 2 stopper as he wouldn’t be able to break 1s because of the constant drs. So if this was to be added, then they’d have to change a whole load of things, to make it fair for those on lighter strategies, but then again, as soon as they get out of Drs, they would be too fast and over powered. Since the update they have done a decent job of balancing strategies so not everyone is always on the same strategy in a train. They’ve improved the 2 stop and made mediums more competitive also, can be quite fun when at the end you see 3 different strategies come together

ʟ medal 5000 3 years 262 days ago (Last edited by
ʟ 3 years 262 days ago)
DRS in this game is WAY too powerful to have more than just one DRS zone, in my opinion.
No one has ever been saying iGP Manager is a Formula One simulation game. And luckily it isn't, I'd say. Even tho they have been introducing a few things that go towards the way in the last few years as "safety car" (luckily trashed outta window) and the new 3D dynamics (which we really didn't need, but that's just my opinion).
In F1, so in real world, DRS is not so powerful. F1 cars can't even overtake under DRS most of times but only get closer. In this game, it happens you can get overtaken by 4-5 cars on some circuits. As others already have said, having multiple DRS zones would get the game much worse, due to the DRS dynamics and it would be literally impossible (already extremely hard since the Tyre Update of 2018..) to pull off a train no matter what strategy you are on. It's not a matter of being afraid of losing, it's a matter of gameplay.
For me personally, it would be a total disaster so I strongly reject such suggestion. A few years ago, this game required large knowledge and skills. Now, it's already too easy (not to win I mean but to manage a race). Tyres temp is so easy to manage it's already just a gigantic train of cars most of times during every race in leagues of a medium/high level, no matter the personal knowledge of the car, the circuit and the tyres behavior of a manager.
If something, this game should get back to the past somehow about live race dynamics. They already introduced too many automations in the game during the last few years so please stop introducing more of this. Otherwise we could only watch a race and manual interactions would be reduced to almost zero. From 2016 to september 2018 this game was almost perfection, it was a true gem of a game, extemely original in its dynamics and it was so FUN to manage a live race cause it required continuous manual interactions, it was fantastic. I wish it still was like that, the only change they would have needed to do in my opinion was a different scale of tyre wear range between the different compounds. And this game wouldn't have had any competitor. Not even close.
Tyre management is so easy now we can say it's automated, most of races in the biggest Elite leagues are just a gigantic train of cars from start to finish and manual interactions are so limited the races become extremely boring. Adding multiple DRS zones, even just one more, would make this game extremely boring due to the live race dynamics, the excessive power of DRS and a very BAD (again, just my opinion..) concept of KERS system.
Please, NO.