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Show engine, tyre e fuel info

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medal 5001
3 years 243 days ago
Why don't you show in manager's details which engine, fuel and tyre suppliers are used?

I would like to know which suppliers are using my opponents. In real life this is a well known information. The Android version(the only version I use) does not show these info.

It can be added below the staff names.

medal 5409
3 years 243 days ago

Why don't you show in manager's details which engine, fuel and tyre suppliers are used?

I would like to know which suppliers are using my opponents. In real life this is a well known information. The Android version(the only version I use) does not show these info.

It can be added below the staff names.


Maybe your opponents don’t want you to know their suppliers ?
medal 5000
3 years 243 days ago
This isn’t real life it is a management strategy game and allowing you to see everyone’s engine, tyre amd fuel suppliers is just dumbing the game down and a short-cut for managers not wanting to put in the time to learn the game.  If you remove all the strategy decisions it becomes pretty boring very quickly.
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