Hi all! I've recently created a league for complete beginners and we'd love to recruit some new members. At the time of posting, we are only a few races in and have been having a blast so far. We race every night at 8PM Eastern US time and are run one car at 50% race distance. Follow the link below if you're interested!
UPDATE: The league I posted about originally is doing incredibly well! 18 regularly racing teams, active promotion and there are still spaces available with more freeing up at the start of our next season (we're at Monza at time of writing).
I'd also like to inform you all about the sister league I created recently, the Nightly GP. They run on synchronized schedules. This is a full distance, 2-car, nightly racing league and we're in dire need of more managers! We currently only have three, including myself. Please consider joining up and helping to make this league as fun and compettive as any league out there!
Alex Ethier
Link to Nightly GP: https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/3998#tab1