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In progress
Game not loading

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medal 5000
3 years 250 days ago
What did you try to do?
Go to race.

What happened instead?
Either it stays at Loading at 90% or it will get to Loading Track Resources 1.0/19.0 but won't load the game.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 8.1

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Firefox 89.0.1 (64-Bit)

Can the bug be reproduced?
Does it all the time.

Additional comments:
Tried clearing cache, tried removing cookies and data but nothing seems to help. :(
medal 5000
3 years 250 days ago
What did you try to do?
Go to race.

What happened instead?
Either it stays at Loading at 90% or it will get to Loading Track Resources 1.0/19.0 but won't load the game.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 8.1

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Firefox 89.0.1 (64-Bit)

Can the bug be reproduced?
Does it all the time.

Additional comments:
Tried clearing cache, tried removing cookies and data but nothing seems to help. :(

I've had this issue before too, except as google chrome as the browser.
medal 5000
3 years 250 days ago
O que você estava tentando fazer?
Trying to load live to watch Race

O que ocorreu de fato?
Doesn't load

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual o modelo do seu celular?
Poco x3 nfc

Qual o sistema operacional?

Qual a versão do seu sistema operacional?
Android 10 miui 12

É possível reproduzir o problema?

Comentários adicionais:
medal 5000
3 years 250 days ago
Não deixa entrar na corrida
medal 5488 Super Mod
3 years 250 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 3 years 250 days ago)

I have merged multiple threads on the forum which describe the same issue. 
I've also escalated this thread to the developer team's attention. 

Thank you for reporting this and sorry for any inconvenience that it may cause. 
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 250 days ago
We're working on a hotfix patch which will include some fixes for race loading issues and some further performance (FPS) improvements. We hope to have it finished tomorrow or by the end of this week at the latest.
medal 5000
3 years 249 days ago
Looking forward to it. After winning the first race of the reason. I've scored zero points since then as I've missed races as it won't load.
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 249 days ago
The update has been tested and submitted to the stores, which will hopefully resolve this issue for you. Now it is down to how long it takes for them to review it. There is no guarantee it will be done this week, as they don't check on weekends and often don't check within a couple of days.

In the meantime I would recommend trying the desktop version of the game (you only have to install it if you play in 3D, if you play in 2D it can actually run entirely within the browser).
medal 5000
3 years 249 days ago
I did try the stand-alone desktop version but I have another issue with that as the fonts don't render properly. I will check it again tomorrow and write a bug report for that.

medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 249 days ago
I did try the stand-alone desktop version but I have another issue with that as the fonts don't render properly. I will check it again tomorrow and write a bug report for that.

Sorry, I was a little confused when I wrote the post above and thought I was talking to someone trying to use the app to get in! We have just released an update to Android (they approved the update already) which improves several issues with loading races. If you have an Android device it's worth a try. The same update will be released to Windows tomorrow, but not the WebGL version, only the standalone exe.

If you could make another report about the font issue that would be great. I have a 4K monitor and am aware that the fonts are blurry on there. Running the standalone in windowed mode resolves that in the race viewer until further notice (ALT+ENTER to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode). We can give more precise help once we know what the issue is.

Não deixa entrar na corrida

Today's update should definitely help you, please update to 4.034.
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