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Driver Attributes

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medal 4947
10 years 146 days ago
I know I'm very new to this, only into my 5th Race, however, i understand there aree some Attributes on a driver you can improve, Physical, Speed, Technical etc. but are you ableto improve others, such as Charisma, Anticipation, Focus, Teamwork, Stamina, reflexes.

I'm curious to know because I'm wondering if it would be best to find better Talented Drivers or stick to my guns with my current one.

Please offer any suggestions on how to improve these Attributes and perhaps a little insite into which Attributes are best to develop first.

P.S. I am sorry if this question as been asked before.
medal 5000
10 years 146 days ago
Almost all of the attributes are related to at least one of the Physical, Speed, Technical etc.

Speed: Fast Corners, Slow Corners, Wet Weather

Physical: Health, Stamina, Weight, Reflexes
Technical: Feedback, Workrate
Defensive: Decisions, Focus
Attacking: Aggresion, Overtaking, Bravery, Decisions
Mental: Charisma, Influence, Anticipation, Feedback, Teamwork, Work rate, Bravery, Focus, Composure
medal 5000
10 years 146 days ago
Morale is improved through doctor training
Experience is improved through driving races
Talent is fixed value, not change-able.
medal 5000
10 years 146 days ago
I didn't experience this myself, but I have heard that too high Mental can slow you down
medal 5000
10 years 146 days ago
I personally like to improve Speed and sometimes Physical (mainly to keep the health up).
medal 5000
10 years 145 days ago
I prioritize my training as follows:

- Physical
- Speed
- Defending
- Attacking

I don't do Mental or Technical training at all anymore.
medal 5000
10 years 144 days ago
FInd a driver with 20 talent and 1 feedback, and high stamina and fitness. From then on train Physical, Speed, Defending and Attacking, dont do anything else because it slows the driver down.

Here is a pic of my driver;
aim to get something similar.
medal 5000
10 years 143 days ago
FInd a driver with 20 talent and 1 feedback, and high stamina and fitness. From then on train Physical, Speed, Defending and Attacking, dont do anything else because it slows the driver down.

Here is a pic of my driver;
aim to get something similar.

What does feedback do? "Engine Failure", nice team name
medal 5000
10 years 140 days ago

i dont understand why all the others would slow the drivers down?
medal 5000
10 years 139 days ago

i dont understand why all the others would slow the drivers down?

Neither does anyone else, but it's true - mental/technical training results in slow drivers.
medal 5000
10 years 127 days ago
well the feedback atribute fall or will it stay the same?
medal 5000
10 years 114 days ago
If you have a driver with 'Talent' of 19, are the other attrbs limited to no more than 19 too?

I don't seem to be able to get any others beyond 19.  Would this ring true with your experience?
medal 5000
10 years 114 days ago
The stats are displayed as integers 1-20, but in reality, they're floating point numbers. Your driver's page will say something like Speed 19, but that 19 could be 19.0, or 19.1, or even 19.9.

Basically, a stat that says 19 is at least 19, but can be any number that is greater than or equal to 19 and less than 20.

Talent is not a limiter. It's more of a modifier for all the other stats. A driver with Fast Corners 19 and Talent 19 is going to be better in fast corners than a driver with Fast Corners 19 and Talent 12.
medal 5000
10 years 114 days ago
So let me get this straight: Does training Mental/Technical make a driver slower than they were before said training, or is it more of a waste of training because it doesn't gain race/qualy pace? Haven't trained either category, just curious as that makes very little sense as far as the game code is concerned unless it was intended to have 'test' drivers who suck at races but excel at setting up the car...frankly after a season or two, setups should be pretty similar.
medal 5000
10 years 111 days ago
I've been training my driver on mental the past couple races, and he's now gotten his first podium, and has been faster than ever before.
medal 5000
10 years 110 days ago
Talent is questionable really James.

I haven't played the game for pushing onto nearly a year now, but the general fixation about talent was that it helped in qualifiying and not necessarily race pace.

Some things I noticed over the 18 months I was playing were:

- Every driver appears to have a best track, or atleast suit certain types of tracks
- High composure alongside high talent was very good for qualifying
- Incredibly short drivers were consistently better all round drivers
- Coincidence or not, tall drivers seemed to do well at Monza
- A driver with maximum physical and speed with virtually no defending/attacking/mental/technical were VERY fast in clean air, but terrible in traffic
- Some drivers handle lower design percentages better than others. If there's a stat that affects this, I am not sure which one
- Mental appeared to slow drivers down in pretty much everything. Seriously, don't touch it
- Drivers with high technical aswell as high Phys/Speed/Attack/Defending but low Mental were super quick in the wet
medal 5000
10 years 109 days ago
Talent is questionable really James.

I haven't played the game for pushing onto nearly a year now, but the general fixation about talent was that it helped in qualifiying and not necessarily race pace.

I actually had the ability to test this when that whole fixation was going on. I had a driver with decent talent - like 15 or so - who had some experience, and I'd just hired a 20-talent who was about to go on her second or third season.

There came a point where my 20-talent driver was faster than her teammate in nearly every situation, even though the majority of her stats were lower. I think the last season I ran that team, she won three races and he only won one. I think they finished consecutively in the standings but there was a pretty decent points difference between them.
medal 5000
10 years 108 days ago
You really need to test it with multiple teams though. I was running about 20-25 teams at one stage every day (yeah I know, no life lol) in my own league purely for the sake of trying to figure the games "radomness" out. Every team had 20 talent drivers, all maximum trained (maximum being max speed/phys/attack/defending only), all running design percentages within 2% of each other for quite a few seasons. All teams also ran the same strategy and push settings etc. The races were unmanned but it gave a pretty fair representation for driver pace and particularly qualifying performance.

For instance in one of those seasons, I had one driver in particular who out of 32 drivers, managed to have a qualifying average of 2.6 out of 32 for a whole season while plenty of others had 16 or worse. This driver in particular was also consistently fast every season, usually with a qualifying average of no higher than 4 or 5 at the most. I think I ran that league for a good 5-6 seasons - There were stand out drivers in qualifying hands down. There were definitely drivers who if they did manage to get pole they would storm away from the pack in clean air, drivers who were one track wonders, and drivers who were just plain down right crap in every aspect at every track for multiple seasons with literally no exceptions. I even found some drivers consistently could be quicker than other drivers on softs, but as soon as you flick them to hard tyres they were all of a sudden slow. There's certainly a butt load more depth to the game than most people anticipate is all I'm getting at, but you know that already I guess haha.

Any way kinda derailing my own post there. My point was going back to BRL any way, Adam Gosling had a 12 talent driver when he was making his way to #1 in the HOF. It used to confuse the living crap out of us when a 12 talent was competing with all of our 20 talents, often taking pole and even if not taking pole, just flying in the race and taking wins from mid pack, even if he was on the same strategy as the 10 or so cars ahead of him. I'm still convinced talent is important don't get me wrong, but there certainly are exceptions.

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