Ross Brawn medal 5136 3 years 255 days ago (Last edited by
Ross Brawn 3 years 255 days ago)
You said:
Fixed various crash, ANR and race viewer loading issues on Android.
But I can't join a race with Android any longer! This bug fix doesn't help.
Cache cleaned. App freshly installed. Android updated. Don't know what to do next.

Connor Cooper medal 5352 Super Mod 3 years 255 days ago
Which device(s) are you trying to load races on? It has been noticed that low-end devices are struggling to load the 2D viewer.
This could be linked to the available RAM a device has which can be found out after a quick google search for the device specifications.

Ross Brawn medal 5136 3 years 254 days ago
Thank you for your response.
I will check that again but a Samsung S20 isn't so bad. ;-)