Antonio Ascari medal 5633 3 years 256 days ago (Last edited by
Antonio Ascari 3 years 256 days ago)
No. Not again. Please, don’t bring it back
Didn't mind? And how to count this comment?
I didn’t mind it personally but I dont want it back.
It can totally undermine your race strategy, trying for instance to build a gap in order to keep a lead (cause you are going to hit pits earlier then your rival), then boom safety car because of an inactive player not repairing their car, gap is gone and your strategy is out the window.
Plenty of examples like the one above, I never had this but a lot of managers did, this or similar experiences.
So it can ruin races, leave people demotivated or disgusted, they go inactive and so on.
That’s why I don’t want it back.
To be totally honest, mate, you’ve had some constructive feedback in this thread, don’t be rude to us just because we have a different opinion
It was not a short time that vsc and sc was in place, it was plenty of time to learn that it didn’t work