Dortmund Simp medal 5000 3 years 252 days ago
As I was upgrading my car I saw if you went past your amount it went to minus points. Does this give you a sort of DP debt that is subtracted from next race or something?

Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 3 years 252 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 3 years 252 days ago)
No, that's just for convenience to allow managers to work out the design without the need to always remove points first in order to put them elsewhere. However there is a danger to it as the game allows to save an overspent design but assigns only as many points until they run out and ignores anything after that.

Prince Riyadh medal 4926 3 years 251 days ago
it just doesn't increase and is fixed, unless someone outperforms you and you tick that section